Paws & Claws

Hello, dear readers!

It’s been a whirlwind few months since Bella (my adorable beagle) and I bumped into Jess and her spirited spaniel, Max, at the vet. Little did we know that a tangled leash would lead us here – moving in together, sharing our mornings, and contemplating the future with our four-legged companions.

We often joke that Bella and Max must have been conspiring that day, given how seamlessly our lives have intertwined. They’ve become inseparable, and watching them together is a daily dose of joy. It’s almost like they knew something we didn’t, but that’s just whimsical thinking, right?

As we navigate this new chapter, Jess and I have been pondering the idea of enrolling Bella and Max in a puppy school based near Clyde. We’ve heard fantastic things about it, and it seems like the perfect opportunity for them to polish their manners (and maybe learn a trick or two!). It’s fascinating to think about how much they can learn and how these classes can further strengthen the bond between us.

On another note, we’ve also found ourselves lingering on the question, “Should I get a cat?” It started as a playful conversation, but the idea has been growing on us. We imagine a furry little addition would bring a new dynamic to our family, though we can’t help but wonder how Bella and Max would react. They’ve always been the centre of our universe, and we hope a cat would be a welcome friend, not a frenemy!

As we mull over these thoughts, it’s clear that our journey, sparked by a chance encounter, is blossoming into something beautiful. Our home is filled with love, laughter, and the occasional bark and purr debate. We owe so much to our pups – they may not have intentionally set us up, but we’re amazed at how well they understand us, sometimes even better than we understand ourselves.

So, as Jess and I sit down to discuss puppy schools and the potential of welcoming a cat, we can’t help but feel grateful. Grateful for the unexpected twists in life, for the companionship of our dogs, and for the new adventures that lie ahead. Who knows what the future holds? But one thing’s for sure – it’s going to be a pawsome ride!

Stay tuned for more tales (and tails) from our little family!